Long time, no blog! No real reason other than life is happening and I’d rather be living it than blogging it. Let’s see…everything to catch you up on will be totally random and I’m not even going to try and pretend to make them into a well-packaged blog post so buckle up for some randomness. Last […]
Hello, hello! Another day, another weekend recap. Friday Friday felt busy, but I’m not really sure why. The most notable task I accomplished was setting up a bank account for my freelance business. It’s taken a lot of work filing the right paperwork, meeting the right people, setting up the right accounts to get this business […]

Hello there and welcome to December. This year, it felt like December came much sooner. It also got to 66 yesterday so maybe the weather is throwing me off. It’s supposed to reach 77 (!!!) on Friday. I’m not mad about it. Anyways, wanted to recap our weekend before I forget it. Here we go! […]
Thanksgiving 2015

Hello and welcome back to normal life. The Mondays after a holiday are always hard, aren’t they? Forget that, the WEEK after a holiday is hard. But alas, time keeps movin’ on and so do we. We decided to stay in Texas for Thanksgiving this year. Mainly because we just got here two months ago […]

Ryan travels a lot during the week for work, so we really try to soak up and enjoy the most out of each weekend. For the first month or so, our weekends consisted of spending money on apartment related things. From getting our office to actually look like somewhat of an office (i.e. have desks), […]