Hiya! If you’re just joining, check out my first two posts about our Europe trip: London and Amsterdam. Now we’re off to Berlin! June 28– Amsterdam to Berlin Another travel day, another early morning. We attempted to make most of our travel days early enough so we could still enjoy the city we’re arriving at. […]
Europe 2016: Amsterdam
Hello and welcome back to our recap of our trip to Europe this summer! You can check out my first post featuring our time in London here. We had to wake up at 4am to get on a train to get to the Luton airport. We decided to take the short flight to Amsterdam instead […]
Europe 2016: London

Oh hi there. If you’ve been living under a rock, Ryan and I took a big trip to Europe a few weeks ago. I thankfully took notes almost every day while we were there so I could come back and blog about our experience. Mainly for selfish reasons, so I can look back and read […]
New Orleans 2016

Hiya! Long time, no blog. How is it already the middle of March?! I remember while living in Wisconsin February always felt like the longest month ever because it’s usually the worst month of winter. For whatever reason, this February flew by! Hence no blog updates. Let’s quickly run down what happened in February, and […]
Playing Catch Up

I’ve already described the move here to Dallas in part 1 and part 2. To save myself from being 3 months behind for the rest of this blog’s life, I’ll sum up the last few months in this one post. I promise I won’t drone on for too long. 🙂 Much of our time has […]